Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Nasrallah saluted the Lebanese people on the anniversary of Resistance and Liberation in an interview to Al-Nour radio station.
His eminence assured that the spirit of the resistance fighters that led to these victories, which martyred resistance leader Hajj Imad Moughnieh spoke about saying “What fights in us is our spirit”, is still as strong and perseverant as before.
He assured that the resistance is developing on the military and armory levels but the essential tool in victory is the faithful, strong, authentic spirit of the resistance fighters and their families, despite all attempts to disfigure its identity.
Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that the Israelis still remember the quote “weaker than the spider web” not because of the significance of its words but because of the significance of the timing and location it was stated in, which was the field of Bint Jbeil, adding that “in July war they tried to reach this spot to make a speech and say that Israel is stronger than steel, but they failed”.
His eminence noted that the strength point of Lebanon is the power of deterrence it had attained, and this is a strength because Lebanon was never the attacker, it was always being attacked.
Sayyed Nasrallah assured that the resistance saw the liberation of 2000 happening since 1983, and this was relevant in the speeches of Sayyed Abbas (Al-Moussawi) and Sheikh Ragheb Harb.
In this context, Hezbollah SG indicated that “when Ehud Barack was asked about the reason of invading Lebanon – I say this as 20 years have passed on victory because some people are still reading the developments wrong – he put two reasons. The first was to send the Palestinian resistance out of Lebanon to Jordan to topple the regime and establish an alternative state for the Palestinians there, and second was to bring the Jmayyel Family to presidency so that Lebanon becomes in the Israeli axis.”

“Israel does not have real allies, it only sees its benefits. It is ready to collaborate against anyone for the sake of achieving its benefits. Israel has collaborated against Jordan since 1982 and the alternative state project there is ongoing since then,” he added, pointing out that “the fall of the political project in Lebanon let them focus their strength on the security line.”
Sayyed Nasrallah continued that “the security line alone was not enough for the Israelis to reach their goal which was to protect the settlements, and this is what the resistance was working on.”
“Two years before withdrawing completely, the Israelis handed the security lines and locations to Lahad Army. It planned to withdraw towards the borders as the confrontations continue between the resistance and Lahad Army, hence, the battle becomes a civil one that takes a sectarian form. However, the resistance continued its operations against Lahad Army until the latter finally surrendered leading to the complete Israeli withdrawal from the region and successfully avoiding any civil war back then,” he added.
When asked about the resistance’s vision for Israel in 2035, his eminence assured that Israel will not last as it is a strange body that does not resemble this region, and remembered a quote by Sayyed Moussa Al-Sadr in which he said that Israel was not a Jewish or a religious state but an apartheid state that sees itself superior on everyone as its people are the sons of Israel. It was established on terror and murder.
In this context, his eminence stressed that Israel acknowledges that it is not the same invincible power that was before 2000, not just in Lebanon but also in Gaza. He further stressed that Israel is completely reliant on the US while we see the latter’s position in the region deteriorating due to the policies it is following.
“The Image of the Israelis packing their stuff and getting on planes and ships is in front of my eyes,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.
Responding to a question on the resistance audience, his eminence assured that “there was never national unity around the resistance in order to say that it once had a wide audience that it had lost. Even in year 2000, the internal situation was not better than today. Some people used to consider that the resistance was not national and it was related to Syria and Iran.”
On the US presence in the region, Hezbollah SG noted that it was an evidence on the development of the resistance axis as it reveals the inability of Israel and its supporting regimes to protect their benefits.
“All the developments in the region are not for the benefit of Israel and there is a high level of balance between the two parts… The resistance’s strength today in occupied Palestine is a strategic power in the resistance axis.”
As his eminence reiterated that the resistance’s point of strength is its deterrence power, he indicated that “Israel is aware that any attack on Lebanon will not pass without a response, adding that the latest Israeli attack on a car that had members of Hezbollah in it in the Syrian territories without causing casualties was not an Israeli error.
“Israel intended not to hurt the men in the car because it was aware that the equation today is that there will be a response on any assassination.”
In this context, his eminence warned that “the level of patience and tolerance of the Syrian leadership has a limit, and the enemy could make a stupid act that might cause the Syrian leadership to lose its patience and might lead to a war.”
In parallel, he assured that the Israelis intervened in Syria after they realized that the opposition groups they supported there were defeated.
Concerning the UNIFIL forces in Lebanon, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that “there is an Israeli demand backed by the US to the Global Community to increase the number of UNIFIL forces. For us, increasing or decreasing the number of forces does not matter… If there was a change in the tasks of the UNIFIL forces we might demand that the forces be relocated on the other side of the borders… The time in which Lebanon was perceived as the weak part is gone and Israel can no longer impose its conditions on it.”
Internally, Sayyed Nasrallah said that in a great speech
Sayyed Moussa Al-Sadr delivered once he said that the politicians in Lebanon were ready to drag the country toward a civil war in order to preserve their position. He said Lebanese politicians are heartless and are ready to kill up to 10,000 people for this goal.
In this context, his eminence asserted that Hezbollah is very sensitive about a civil war due to its faith and commitment, not because it has a “phobia” from it as claimed. We don’t want a civil war and we refuse to take the government even if offered. We don’t want to control the country and as Imam Al-Sadr said “a revolution in Lebanon, if it wasn’t over-passing religions it will not get anywhere.”.
Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that any disagreement in Lebanon is diverted into a sectarian disagreement which reassures the importance of setting limits on any internal transformation so that the enemy does not take advantage of the situation.
He emphasized that the Lebanese Judiciary must be the reference in fighting corruption calling on everyone who has any corruption file against any Hezbollah political official to refer to the judiciary authority.
“I have said before that the battle against corruption is harder than the battle against Israel and it needs time. First we must remove the mines not step on them in order to open the roads.”
Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that when Ehud Barack was asked about methods to destroy Hezbollah, he considered that dragging Hezbollah into a civil war and making people and its supporting environment revolt against it would destroy it.
“Thus, this is a sensitive issue as the resistance is on the top of the enemy’s list of targets, and any new given must be studied very well.”
On the economic level, Sayyed Nasrallah considered that “we can get out of this economic crisis but it needs a political decision,” adding that “if Hezbollah revealed its economic plan it will be fought immediately on both internal and external levels”.
As he emphasized the importance of cooperating with the Syrians on the industrial and agricultural levels, he noted that some parts refuse this fearing that this would damage the relations with the US.
“America wants to humiliate Lebanon and impose its conditions on it.”
In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah addressed the Lebanese people saying: “The solution for the economic crisis is to abandon US satisfaction and head east”.
“Some parts are obstructing deals with China due to their fears from the US… China can solve the electricity problem with less cost than Germany, but this needs a political decision. If the current government was a Hezbollah government it would’ve referred to Chine. This is the biggest evidence that this is an independent government that is considering the views of all the parties.”
Concerning the Banking crisis, his eminence said “we demanded protecting all the savings. It is our duty to shout out but it is the government and official sides’ duty to take action. Hezbollah has no interest in changing the banking system or any other system in Lebanon.”
On Hezbollah’s relation with its allies, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that “we are solving problems between our allies and solving our problems with our allies by shutting them down… Our allies and us are not one body, we are two bodies so it is normal to have different views but we don’t allow this to break any alignment.”
His eminence considered that social media is playing a negative role by creating problems that do not exist, and assured that “we have to co-live with social media and must turn its threat into an opportunity through guidance and addressing.”
On the regional level, Sayyed Nasrallah assured that the US withdrawal from the region will be on all political, cultural, and military levels.
He considered that the US is on its way to pack and leave the region due to several reasons including the public desire in Iraq, their withdrawal from Afghanistan, their identification as “occupation forces” in Syria, the failed war on Yemen, the unsuccessful “deal of the century” which was signed by only one part of the agreement, and the developments in general.
Sayyed Nasrallah ruled out any war between the US and Iran or between Israel and Lebanon “unless the latter decided to make a stupid act”, he said. He finally noted that Israel might cease to exist if the circumstances that it emerged on changed.
Source: Al-Manar English Website