Hezbollah mourned on Wednesday Leader of Hamas Resistance movement martyr Ismail Haniyeh, voicing determination to continue the path of resistance.
In a statement, Hezbollah’s Media Relations Office offered deepest condolences to “Palestinian people and Hamas resistance group as well as free people all over the world over the martyrdom of great and sincere leader, dear brother Ismail Haniyeh.”
Hezbollah expressed deepest sympathies with Haniyeh’s honored family which sacrificed dozens of its sons and daughters as martyrs on the way to liberate Al-Quds and Palestine.

“Martyr leader Ismail Haniyeh is one of the great resistance leaders of our time who stood courageously in the face of the US hegemonic scheme and the Zionist occupation,” Hezbollah’s statement read.
The Lebanese resistance group vowed, meanwhile, that the martyrdom of leader Haniyeh “will only strengthen the resistance fighters’ resolve and intensify their defiance against the Zionist enemy.”
“We in Hezbollah share with our brothers in Hamas movement deepest feelings of pain and anger over the enemy’s crimes as well as feelings of pride that our leaders are leading their people as martyrs,” the statement added, voicing full confidence of Allah’s promise of the divine victory to faithful Mujahideen (fightrs).
Haniyeh was martyred in the Iranian capital, Tehran, early on Wednesday. Hamas resistance group said he was assassinated in an Israeli raid.
Source: Al-Manar English Website